The production of PICnome64 and PICnome128 will be discontinued
when remaining stocks and replacement parts runs out.
We have 1 units of PICnome64 and 14 units of PICnome128 with
discount price.
We will be focusing on developing made to order devices for individuals
as well as designing programs to go with the device. Hopefully we can
announce great news in near future.
We want to thank you again for making this experience possible, Especially
to the ones who bought our products in various countries.
Our repair service and customer support for PICnome series will NOT be
closed. So please do not hesitate to contact us when you have problems
with PICnomes.
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[…] PICnome128を作る Posted in: Diary tkrworksさんが手がけたPICnomeですが、遂に製造終了となってしまいました。 […]